Your House - Join Zoom Meeting
We had such a great time during our first Hardcore Norfolk Live night that we're doing it again!!! Amazing lineup (see below). Join us, it's so cool spending time together, virtually, and enjoying videos introduced by some of our best local talent. Hosted by Dwight Easter and Katie Teardrop. Zoom link will be provided a few days prior to the night, and we recommend you log on a little early to enjoy some local artwork by Sam Wegener! Please remember to mute your mikes unless you want to comment about something....we don't want to hear the background noise from your house!!!
Tip from Jerrad Nelson: You have to select call via device audio
Produced by Dwight Easter for Hardcore Norfolk
Strap Ons
The Pills
Muckie Mittens
Big Bobbie and the Nightcaps
Darryl Lewis
Mark Jacobs
Johnny Cassidy
Gary Ziroli
Community Witch
The Candy Snatchers