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Record Store Day @ AFK Books & Records

AFK Books & Records

4801 Shore Dr.

Virginia Beach, VA

From the Facebook page:

Happy 16th RSD! All the first-come, first-served vinyl goodness you can eat. The artists and labels have offered up a truly amazing list of goodness this year and we're super-stoked to get them into your hands safely and expediently. To see what's on tap head over to
We're staying with an 8:00am sales kick-off which allows the early risers (and overnight campers) to get home a bit earlier to spin some hot wax and also gives us a chance to open up the bins to browsing earlier in the day.
We're gonna keep the flow similar to the RSD events of the last few years as the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. If you've been to one of those events, you already know how this works.
If you're a newb or need a refresher, here ya go:
Step 1: If you're staking your claim before 6am, hop in line whenever the spirit moves you. Hang out. Chat up the other cool people in line with you. Bring an instrument. Bring a chair. Be joyful. Be kind. p.s. Early morning folks: We know this is a "music" event but please keep any playing of pre-recorded music LOWWW as we have residential neighbors across Shore Dr. (and others in line) who may not share your love of Turkmenistanian Death Metal at 3:00am on a work night. 🙂 Perhaps bring a stringed acoustic instrument instead?
Step 2: Around 6am, a bleary-eyed AFK lackey will arrive to hand out official “Quick Path” line placeholders, which will include your place in line, a group number and an estimated time of entry. There will be 20 folks assigned to each group. At that time you can head out to visit your favorite local breakfast joint (may we recommend nearby Anchor Allies & Roosters). Note: If you show up at any time after 6:00am just check in with an AFK door lackey who will give you your line placeholder directly.
Step 3: Around 7:45am a large window sign will be displayed stating that Group One should line up. Those folks will be escorted into the store, while maintaining the line. We will then rotate the line (think musical chairs without the stress) offering the first person in line their first pick and repeating throughout the line. We’ll do that UP to 20 times for each group, so everyone will have a chance to score up to 20 unique RSD items, while supplies last. There will be no browsing in the music sections until later in the morning. As soon as you’ve gotten what you came for you can check out. Sales begin at 8:00am.
Step 4: As Group One is being "vinyled" we will display a sign for Group Two to begin lining up outside. After Group One has left the store we will repeat Step 3 for Group Two and repeat again until all groups have been vinyled. (Hey, it's a word... or it SHOULD be a word)
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will you have lots of Taylor Swift's Folklore Sessions?
If I’m not there within 10 minutes of when my Quick Path Group number sign is posted, what happens?
You will need to take a new “Quick Path” placeholder at the end of the line.
How long after 6am will you be passing out official "Quick Path" entry passes?
Until we are done with that process and no longer have capacity issues. We anticipate that being around Noonish.
I know I want XYZ record? Can you hold it for me for later pick-up?
Per the RSD pledge all participating stores have agreed that everything will remain first-come first-served until the dedicated RSD fans who came out early have been taken care of. Only AFTER ALL groups have been vinyled, and not before, will AFK begin accepting holds via phone for later in-store pickup. To take advantage of that, a credit card payment will be required at time of hold.
I won’t be able to come in. Can you ship RSD goodness to me?
Per the RSD pledge, all participating stores have agreed we will not hold products for shipment until 8am Sunday morning. If you’d like something shipped call after 10am Sunday and we’ll do our best to take care of you.
But Mommy, I want more than 20 unique RSD records!
No problem, Violet. 🙂 If you’d like more RSD goodness, on your way out just ask for another “Quick Path” placeholder for a later group. This is the fairest approach to ensure everyone has a chance to get something they want. As always we’ll attempt to limit the purchase of individual RSD records to one per customer.
When can we browse?
We expect to be finished with the "Quick Path" process around Noon, but this is sadly not an exact science.
Can I pick up other non-RSD stuff that I already have on hold?
Sure. Just let us know as soon as you enter the store so we can start tracking that down for you.
I'd like to gander at the packaging before I buy. Can I do that?
Sure. We'll be conducting small "guided" tours between 6am and 7:30am where you can ask questions, inquire about quantities/prices and gently caress the records.
How do we I know what you'll have?
We ordered literally everything this year, but most titles are limited so we won't know exactly what we'll get until a few days before the event. We always solicit customer input as soon as the list is announced and if you were the only one that requested a record this year, you can bet that we ORDERED at least two of that item, to increase your odds. (We're cool like that) That said there are 1,500 participating stores so if less than 1,500 are pressed there's always a possibility we only received one (or heaven forbid, none). Just give us a ring or message us if you’d like info on quantities or pricing.
Will there be coffee?
Yes. We'll have the red AFK hospitality tent set-up in the parking lot overnight with a self-serve Keurig machine, free k-pods and pastries.
Will there be raffles?
Yes. We’ll do our best to raffle off a few cool items to each group, using the ever-reliable, D20.
What about tote bags?
Yes, we’ll have free "Jazz Bags" or "RSD Totes" for at least the first 100 folks who participate in the “Quick Path” process. The earlier you are, the better the chance of scoring bonus swag.
Will Jazz be there?
She wouldn't miss it for all the world (well maybe for a small piece of cheese).
Oi! I have a question that isn’t listed here.
Just give us a ring at 757-962-1996 or message us on Facebook.
Thank you for supporting locally-owned, indie retail. You rock!