5 Questions with Marsha Mais
by Dwight Easter
DE - For someone unfamiliar with an AfterMath promotion, what can they expect to experience?
MM - This will be a long answer, as we do a lot. Folks can expect to experience several things: first off, a pretty nice venue with lovely staff. A lounge room to play pool in and get away from the crux of the loud music. An outside screened smoke deck as well as outside courtyard of sorts, and relatively clean bathrooms. We run our events out of the sister venue to the old Hershee club, 37th and Zen. As for AfterMath itself? Everything Goth, Industrial, Alt, etc. Weekly dance nights with monthly special events, ranging from Goth Proms, Vampire Balls and Fetish events, as well as whatever else we conjure. We also do an annual family picnic at Northside Park in Norfolk.
A standard crowd for an AfterMath event. Photos by Niko Seven.
DE - What connects you, Marsha, to the Culture of Goth?
MM - Music and Aesthetic. Plain and simple
DE - 3 Bands, DJs or Performance Artists you would love to book for AfterMath?
MM - Shoot...do I have to pick 1 category? Shoot...I got this...Ded.Pixel out of Manchester England. Met him (Rhys) on Thee Original Gothic Cruise back in 2013. Been friends ever since. William Control, and Nyxx.
DE - What is something those on the outside looking in would be surprised to learn about your following and clientele?
MM - They're all just like you. We all have 9-5s, kids, lives. Our clientele is a broad stroke of many spectrums; diverse
DE - How political or message-driven are the performances at AfterMath?
MM - Null. None. No political drive. We don't touch that -ish and so far, every single act or individual we've hired has never used their time to perpetuate politics. At the same time, we won't tolerate hatred. Period. There's no room for any of that crap when we run out of the sister bar to THE FIRST lesbian bar in Hampton Roads.
Marsha crowns a guest at an AfterMath event.
Follow AfterMath on Facebook for upcoming events.
About Dwight Easter: Digital folk artist, family man and bread merchant. Some of the best moments in my life are experiencing the power and influence of great art. I came up in the Norfolk era of the M80’s, Buttsteak, and Antic Hay.