The Way Back: A Hardcore Norfolk Love Story
Photos and memories courtesy of Elizabeth Felton
Randy Felton and I have known each other for a long time. Unbeknownst to either one of us, our paths crossed years before we ever met. I remember seeing his band, FOE play at Starz in Virginia Beach in the mid-1980s, but we didn't actually meet and become friends until about 1990 at Vic Demise's house in Norfolk. Even though he grew up in Portsmouth, and I grew up in Virginia Beach, we both had one thing in common - music.
For years, our paths continued to cross; I'd go off to VCU and live in Richmond, he'd move to Austin, Texas and back again. We reunited in 2006 at the Naro to see the movie "American Hardcore," and our friendship developed into a little something more. Our first real date was at a Candysnatchers show at the beach not long after that. We made it official and got married in 2009. Ashley Williamson, of FOE and Buzzoven, was Randy's best man.
Today we're living in Virginia Beach. We have a furbaby named Ella Guru (hello, Captain Beefheart fans?). We don't go out as much as we used to, but are still around! Thanks for checking out our photos!
Love, Randy and Elizabeth Felton
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