The Way Back: 80s Hardcore Norfolk Goodness
Road trip to see Minor Threat: Mid 80’s.
Photos and memories courtesy of Paul Bagdon
Hello, My name is Paul Bagdon. I’ve lived in the area the better part of my life. I was introduced to the music around 1979 or '80 at a little dive bar on W. Little Creek Rd., The Taj Mahal. I lived across the street and spent a lot of nights there listening to New Wave & punk music. A lot of good young bands came through there. The manager and I had a falling out one night and I was barred for life. HA! I started going to a few clubs near ODU soon after, The Rathskellar, the place beside it, can’t remember it’s name, The Kings Head Inn & the Corner (Dominics). These days, I am married to Darla, and we have a grown son who is going to school and working full time. I am working my as off with my own business and still going to shows from time to time! I hope you enjoy my photos. CHEERS
Note: click the thumbnails to view larger photos and full captions.