Trey Gares - Extended, Uncut & Remembered: Full Video Interview
by Paul Unger
“I do it because that’s who I am. People ask me when I’m going to stop. I guess when I stop waking up. What else am I going to do? I don’t do it for kicks or chics, I don’t do it for that. I do it because it’s in me.”
-Trey Gares (2011)
Trey onstage with the Unabombers, Charlies in Norfolk, 2017 - Original photo by Beth Austin
I had been going over these DV tapes that sat in my parent’s house, a temperature controlled dark closet, tucked in the corner, hours and hours of raw footage from many years ago. The problem was I had no way of transferring these tapes to digital, so… I sort of left them sitting there collecting dust. Until recently, I found a way to make the transfer and bring back some of these memories: live performances, scenic shots, events of sorts… and of course lost interviews. Some good, some not so good as I recall.
The interview with Trey Gares of the Unabombers at the Taphouse totally stood in my memory as one that was superb.
Over a decade ago, Trey was nice enough to sit down and have a beer with Andrea Rizzo and I for an interview, some movie we were working on about the local music ‘scene’ here called Hardcore Norfolk. Trey is in a great mood here, as Andrea is asking the questions, he shares his memories and his opinions. His thoughts come out as he shares the history of The Unabombers, how he feels about lazy musicians, fights at shows, Nazi punks, Norfolk and just music overall.
I can’t speak for Trey. Obviously none of us can, but I feel he would want this video interview, all 28 minutes of it, to be seen and heard by those that knew him. This is the Trey Gares we will always remember, know and love. Trey left us almost 3 years ago, but… I felt it was appropriate to share this. Also, I can almost hear him say to me from above “Paulie put that shit out, those are my thoughts, let people know. Hell, that’s why I did the interview in the first place!”
A true rock ’n’ roller that will be missed forever. Love ya Trey!
Youtube of full interview below, just press play.
IF VIDEO IS NOT SHOWING UP BELOW… go directly to Youtube link here: Interview with Trey Gares